Saturday, April 18, 2020

A Motivating viewpoint.

I have been walking in India for many years and we face new challenges every time we go to a spot, even though the same path has been traveled several times before. Both team leaders, even new team members, often have feeling of achievement during hike and always understand that both mental and physical shortcomings were tested during the hike without any outward incentive. Sometime we don't hit the intended goal and the feeling of satisfaction always isn't reduced. Although self-morale in the hiking trip team has been strong, sometimes members or trainers are kept responsible in the formal work atmosphere to hold team morale up for completing an action or mission.

This is emphasized during leadership discussion that a committed team may do far more than the amount of individual potential of everyone and often meets goals originally set by team. However, holding the team united, committed on shared purpose and at the same time inspired during the whole project/mission implementation is a difficult challenge. According to "Chanakya," a great Indian philosopher and economist from the 4th century BCE "Saam, Daam, Dand and Bhed" are instruments required for inspiration and coordination by a chief or coach. One tactic that is frequently spoken of is the core principle of the GITA "do the karma without caring about the ultimate result" to bring others into practice or inspire them to do the mission, so don't think about what's in it for me (WIIFM) when performing the job!!! Not thinking about WIIFM in technical environment is not possible all the way.

Let's delucidate how theory of "Chanakya" functions in reverse order in the real environment. Bhed, which is similar to the distinction, is generally achieved by relative classification, creating an exclusive community of close knits, etc. Daam and Dand are similar to carrot and stick, usually shown with thank you letter, incentive & appreciation, wage hike, advancement, position improvement or lack of it. Each company has a well-defined method for utilizing the methodology of "Daam, Dand and Bhed," depending on the case, to accomplish a certain goal.

Supervision Frankfurt
Coaching Frankfurt
Coaching Frankfurt am
Coach Frankfurt am Main
Coaching Bad Homburg

Saam, implying focus towards practice through shared knowledge or persuading others by intelligence. Essentially, Saam requests conversation with representatives of the team. Whether that dimension is done by a chief or mentor is also not so explicitly defined within the organization. Another explanation it's not so clearly described is because of the varying requirements of each person or team leader. Maslow also established a structure (hierarchy of need from physiological to self-actualization) for considering each individual's needs. The first four requirements that Maslow describes are health, protection, love / belongings, and confidence are expressed by deficits and reductions in morale as requirements are fulfilled. "Daam, dand and bhed" usually involves all four conditions, and may be seen as a person's encouragement strategy. Self-actualization is expressed by the desire for development and the rise in enthusiasm as needs are fulfilled, and "daam, dand and bhed" has very little effect, and "saam" is simply a stronger method to use. Leaders and team members are sometimes at various stages of Maslow structure, so results of the same mission or behavior may be interpreted differently, causing a large difference in communication throughout the debate.

Conversation counseling stresses the "Saam" method to inspiring others and asking for change. ICF coaching offers a collection of strategies for a mentor or instructor to grasp an individual's life by experimentation while maintaining "consumer desires" at the core so it doesn't matter where the teacher so consumer are in terms of "Maslow's Hierarchy."

In my coaching interaction with other individuals, I also find that each person is focused on a period in life or specific issues/topic at various levels in need. Understanding the world of clients is vitally necessary and ICF competency is a very valuable resource for a leader/coach. One argument that was obvious to me, "when the client is transparent on the intent of the assignment and whether the role is related to Maslow's client hierarchy, substantial success is ensured (i.e. client is driven by decided action) and responsibility is graciously acknowledged by client."

In sum up, each person has various rates of "needs," which basically implies that inspiring people on "needs" from the comparison frame of leaders doesn't produce optimal results. When the needs are "deficiency dependent" strategies may be used, i.e. medical, health, love/belongings, daam, dand and bhed techniques. If the requirement is "growth-based," however, e.g. self-actualization, the saam strategy produces stronger sustainable outcomes. Coaching assists in determining the correct degree of desires and the required coping strategy to be used.

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